We increase family income by providing them access to sustainable livelihood opportunities, both through job oriented skill training and access to a revolving fund.
Young girls are trained in job oriented skills such as tailoring, computer operations, four wheeler driving, jewellery making and others which helps them secure jobs and be financially independent.
A Revolving fund is a seed capital created to support women in poverty who are unable to link with mainstreaming financial institutions. Women invest the money from the fund into income generating activities such as agriculture, livestock development etc. and later plough the money back at a marginal rate of interest. This money is further circulated. The increase in income helps them support their children’s education and health.
“The first step to stitch a mask is measuring 9 inch on a cloth”, says Savitri as she explains how one should stitch a face mask for COVID-10 protection.
Savitri is an adolescent girl and a victim of child marriage. Post marriage, she had to drop out of school, and began to find her life meaningless.
When our IMAGE project intervened, Savitri was enrolled into a tailoring course. This proved to be extremely beneficial for her and her family during the pandemic.
“I was taught how to stitch masks during the pandemic. I got an order to stitch masks after that and each mask gave me Rs. 12. This way, I was able to contribute to family’s income during a crisis. My family was proud of me”, she says.