Fifteen-year-old Sravanthi from the village of Ambatpally in Telangana, India grew up seeing girls being discriminated against. “In my village, it is believed that only boys have the right to study. Girls are like burdens, and have to be married off quickly”, she said.  This apparent gender inequality birthed a restlessness in Sravanthi which moved...
A statewide advocacy consultation with the Government and related stakeholders was held on 22nd December 2020 at Bengaluru to address the problems faced by victims of early marriages and find possible solutions. 23 leaders from the Early Married Girls (EMGs) of the IMAGE project, representing thousands of child marriage victims, presented their problems to the...
On 12th December 2020, as a part of the United Nations 16 Day Campaign to raise awareness on Gender-Based Violence, Girl Up* Bangalore collaborated with IMAGE India, our project with Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL) and Children of India Foundation for a live discussion on Instagram about the issue and how citizen journalism can plan...
A Workshop on “Strengthening of Child Protection Mechanism in Railways” in the railway premises and trains was held today i.e., 2nd December, 2020 at Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad. This is an initiative by Railway Protection Force, South Central Railway in collaboration with Terre des Hommes – Netherlands, Children of Indian Foundation...
Held in the city of Hyderabad, India, from the 16th to 18th of November 2020, the GAA Asia Workshop was a testimony to the fact that Child Participation does indeed bring about change.     The event, sponsored by the Girls’ Advocacy Alliance (GAA) project in India, hosted close to 200 delegates consisting of children,...
Despite all the country’s effort towards achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), there are many loopholes and bottlenecks in the actions and progress towards achieving the goals within stipulated time. There is a clear need to influence the United Nations in taking proactive action with national governments for achievement of the SDGs. The Girls Advocacy...
Child Led Research is an activity driven by children where they are trained to identify problems in their villages, analyse them and find means to solve them.  In the month of October, Children of India’s GOOD project trained girls who are vulnerable to and victims of exploitation on research tools which would equip them to...
  For marginalised sections of society such as married adolescent girls, the Covid-19 pandemic causes more damage.  For instance, there have been reports of poor mental health among these girls arising out of the anxiety related to their health, economic situation and the underlying uncertainty due to COVID-19. The girls are affected to a larger...
Our project Girls’ Advocacy Alliance in affiliation with Terre des Hommes Netherlands has been featured in the popular e-publication, The Good Sight.     The publication documents interventions on girl child and women development which have been extremely impactful. We are extremely delighted to be recognised for our work and share space with the top...
To get people’s attention on the issue of rising child marriages during the pandemic, Children of India’s IMAGE project displayed wall paintings in villages in Karnataka, India.        These villages are known for their high incidence of child marriages, where girls as young as 14 tie the knot and their education and dreams...
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