Child Led Research is an activity driven by children where they are trained to identify problems in their villages, analyse them and find means to solve them.  In the month of October, Children of India’s GOOD project trained girls who are vulnerable to and victims of exploitation on research tools which would equip them to...
  For marginalised sections of society such as married adolescent girls, the Covid-19 pandemic causes more damage.  For instance, there have been reports of poor mental health among these girls arising out of the anxiety related to their health, economic situation and the underlying uncertainty due to COVID-19. The girls are affected to a larger...
Our project Girls’ Advocacy Alliance in affiliation with Terre des Hommes Netherlands has been featured in the popular e-publication, The Good Sight.     The publication documents interventions on girl child and women development which have been extremely impactful. We are extremely delighted to be recognised for our work and share space with the top...
To get people’s attention on the issue of rising child marriages during the pandemic, Children of India’s IMAGE project displayed wall paintings in villages in Karnataka, India.        These villages are known for their high incidence of child marriages, where girls as young as 14 tie the knot and their education and dreams...
    Seventeen-year-old Kamala* is excited. The seeds sown by her have now blossomed into fresh spinach and fenugreek. It is her moment of pride and delight. Kamala is a victim of child marriage. Early marriage takes a toll on a girl’s health, her education is affected and in some cases she is a victim...
    My voice and equal future: The theme of International Girl Child Day was proved in true sense by the energetic Youth Advocates of Girls Advocacy Alliance in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State of India. The international Girl Child Day was observed across two States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State under the leadership...
About GiveIndia GiveIndia is India’s largest and most trustworthy giving platform for donors. With contributions of over 700 crores made to their 1600+ trusted NGOs, their giving community of 1.5M+ donors has impacted the lives of 8M+ people across 23 states in India. 100 Heroes: A DaanUtsav gift to all NGOs by GiveIndia   Children of...
  Once Neeraja enrolled herself in the computer training organised by PMSR with support from Tdh-NL, there was no looking back.
Children of India decided to bring the community together during the testing times of COVID-19, by organising a Rangoli contest in its project areas across the state of Karnataka.
“After the lockdown, we had no income and no food. My mother was planning to resume providing sexual favours to men. I couldn’t stop crying” said Shyamala*.    
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